Featured Study

What’s a chinchilla? Question-asking in young children…


Currently, we are recruiting children with AND without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for a study about the types of questions children ask!

What is the study about?

Research has suggested that children may learn best from language that follows their attention and interests. This research aims to help us understand the frequency, form and content of the questions that children ask.

Who is eligible?

 We are looking for parents of children who…

  • have a diagnosis of  Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ages 4, 5 and 6)
  • or do NOT have a diagnosis of ASD (ages 3, 4, 5, and 6)
  • hear primarily English in the home
  • regularly combine words into phrases

What will I do?

The study will take one-to-two visits to the LI+TLE Lab – each roughly 2 hours long – during which your child will complete standardized testing, a computer-based task designed to elicit questions, and a naturalistic play-based activity with you. As a token of our appreciation for your participation, you will receive a $40 Amazon Gift Card for each research visit.

If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please email us at csdresearch@emerson.edu You can sign up here!

Thank you for your interest in our work—we hope to hear from you soon!